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Dr. Nolan Live Q&A: Part One

What is Nano Silver covered with to prevent pellicle bonding?

That information is proprietary but basically Nano Silver made with plants (which we call generation three) has the ability to lock on like a super missile to the biofilm. It’s been studied pretty extensively against biofilms and it’s shown to prevent pellicle formation and biofilm formation. In addition, it interrupts certain proteins, acid release, and EPS processes. There have been a couple of interesting studies on that. The agent, a plant compound, that caps the actual Nanoparticle has a good deal to do with how it binds and prevents that formation.

What does Nano technology do for soft tissues?

Some of the things that Nanoparticles have been studied for in general are healing properties, antimicrobial action, chemotherapeutics and more. There are a ton of different uses for Nanotechnology. As far as soft tissues go, the Nanotechnology is going to be used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Nano Silver, in general, has gotten a lot of press recently for its anti-inflammatory properties. We’ve actually done some case studies for patients who are really susceptible to certain things and we’ve seen some early really promising results. But for your question, anti-inflammatory would be your best bet. Gingivitis falls under that category as well, so that would be a good use for Nanotechnology.

How did you go about doing your research?

That is a long story but essentially, I got together with one of my partners, Matt Callister, and we looked at a lot of different things that we thought were going to be promising for oral care. (my background is actually in Nanotechnology) We looked a lot at the literature and Nano Silver just kept popping up as the most promising thing, so we went down that rabbit hole. We started out by doing some small-scale trials and we’ve been testing ever since. Everything from toxicology, antimicrobial action, remineralization, and general research. We are trying to hit all of the categories and we’re also doing a study to compare Nano Silver to chlorhexidine. We actually have about five ongoing trials right now. It’s just really taken off from there.

Would this be advantageous to use with cavitron?

Absolutely yes! I would highly recommend using something like this with cavitron. Especially if you’re going under the tissues and you’re going to cause bleeding. If you’re trying to target the bad bacteria, eliminate the bacteria threshold or go below the gum line I would use it. Especially because chlorhexidine isn’t useful below the gum line, but Nano Silver is.

What are the ingredients in the Nano Silver Mouthrinse?

There are 5 ingredients. We have:

  1. xylitol. We have 25% xylitol which is the recommended amount.
  2. Nano Silver
  3. Calcium
  4. Water and then
  5. Flavor 

That’s not a ton of ingredients, and in my opinion, that’s a good thing. It was actually hard to keep ingredients out of the bottle and a lot of people don’t realize it because they don’t understand that you have to preserve it and that it has to pass a certain amount of testing. So good luck finding another mouthwash that has five ingredients.

Also, there are only four in the original Honey Sweet because it is actually unflavored. We did that because we had a slew of patients that personally couldn’t deal with flavor or had an immune response to flavor. We wanted to have more options for them.

5 Ingredient Mouthwash

There are only 5 ingredients in Nano Silver Mouth Rinse and you can pronounce them all! Definitely a win in our book. All of these ingredients are processed and handled in our state-of-the-art facility and are 100% vegan. Mouthwash doesn’t have to be complicated and we want to explain why we need each of these ingredients to create a mouthwash that can neutralize oral acid, kill bad breath, soothe dry mouth and so much more.


Nano Silver

Our Nano Silver is plant-based and is the delivery method. There have been many improvements to nanotechnology in the last decade such as more consistent size, stability and biocompatibility. We use Nano Silver because nanoparticles can be used at much lower concentrations, can penetrate the biofilms easily and can help prevent bacteria from sticking to the enamel.



Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is naturally found in many fruits and vegetables; ours is from corn. It is used to neutralize the acid that is in your mouth and raise the pH level of your mouth. Xylitol can break up biofilm that is already attached to the tooth and prevent new biofilm attachment from occurring.



Xylitol can also:

  1. Reduces lactic acid output from cariogenic organisms
  2. Helps deliver much-needed calcium and phosphate to the tooth


Natural Flavors

Our natural flavors are just that, 100% natural. They are taken from plant extract and used to improve the taste of the mouthwash. Reputable workers compensation lawyers CA are available at We currently have four different flavors on the market: Winter Mint, Cinnamon Clove, Honey Sweet and our newest flavor is Cool Peppermint.



We use water to create the base consistency in our mouthwash. The mountain spring water is run through a reverse osmosis process to ensure high levels of purity.



Calcium is used to remineralize your teeth and is necessary for tooth structure. Your saliva naturally contains calcium, but the added calcium from the mouth rinse is an additional boost. It helps interfere with acid production and neutralize the acid upon contact. The calcium in our mouth rinse is mined from the earth.


Learn more about Elementa Silver Mouth Rinse with Nano Silver.

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4 Reasons Your Teeth Feel Sensitive

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem where a tooth or a few teeth feel pain or discomfort when they come in contact with certain substances and certain temperatures.


First off, your tooth feels sensitive because the dentin on your tooth is being exposed which leaves a clear opening to the nerves inside the tooth. The dentin is normally protected by your gums or your enamel so when it comes in contact with hot or cold liquids or certain foods it might elicit a temporary response of pain.


A lot of the times if a tooth starts to feel sensitive we immediately think of cavities as the culprit. However, that’s not always the case.


In fact, there are many different reasons that your tooth might be feeling sensitive:

1. Teeth grinding or clenching, brushing too hard with a hard-bristled toothbrush, eating acidic foods can wear down your enamel and expose the dentin

2. Periodontal disease or Gingivitis can cause your gums to become inflamed and sore leading them to recede and expose the dentin

3. If a cracked tooth is not treated, it can become filled with bacteria and cause inflammation which would lead your tooth to feel sensitive.

4. Use of acidic mouthwashes can damage the dentin layer if they are used for too long. If you use mouthwash, make sure to pick one that is neutral.


Check out this article to learn about how to pick out a mouthwash.

Oral Health 101: What is the Biofilm?

The oral biofilm is made up of self-produced groups of bacteria that live and die by the food that you eat every day. And yet with so much control over our oral biofilm, we don’t realize when it’s completely out of control. Oral bacteria are infectious in nature and running rampant with the ability to initiate disease processes. In this case, ignorance about your oral biofilm is definitely not bliss, it’s dangerous.  

It’s important to have a balanced oral biofilm because it contributes to your oral health and as well as your overall health. In your oral health, tooth decay occurs when your oral biofilm is out of balance and instead leans towards an acidic environment. Acid production changes the environment of the biofilm and is either neutralized by your saliva or does permanent damage to your tooth enamel over a long period of time. In addition, oral health has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and is currently being tied to problems with pregnancy, premature birth and low weight births. Check out this article to understand how oral health affects overall health.

Understanding your oral biofilm is important because whether you like it or not you have a lot of control over it. Man was not made to live by processed sugar alone no matter how tempting it might seem. Diversifying your food results in a diversified biofilm. Break out the fruits, vegetables, meat and everything in between. (And maybe just a couple of those enticing sweets every now and then too.)

Learn more about Nano Silver technology and the effects it has on your biofilm.

Nano Silver vs Colloidal Silver: What’s The Difference?

Alt text: Person using a dropper of nano silver to make a nano silver solution

Nano Silver Vs Colloidal Silver: What’s The Difference?

Silver has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent to kill bacteria and other microorganisms such as fungi and algae. Today modern science has found ways to use silver for oral care in the form of nano silver and colloidal silver. But what’s the difference between these two forms of silver? And which is better for oral care?


When comparing nano silver vs colloidal silver, one of the most important things to understand is what biocompatibility is. Biocompatibility means that it is safe to use and will respond appropriately in certain conditions. Biocompatibility depends on two things: the size of the particle and what is used as a capping agent. First off, colloidal silver nanoparticles are made without a capping agent. This means that they fall apart easily. Second, colloidal silver nanoparticles are inconsistent in size. On the other hand, silver nanoparticles are capped with plant extract. This makes them more stable and nontoxic to human tissue. 

In addition, with advancements in technology, nanoparticles found in nano silver are more consistent in size than particles found in colloidal silver. This is one of the major benefits of nano silver, as a more consistent particle size means more consistent results.


Unlike nano silver, colloidal silver does not have the ability to stay stable in various conditions. This is because colloidal silver is made by using the physical electric model by running a current through silver wires. This results in a division of silver particles and silver ions that are without capping agents and unstable outside of water. Silver nanoparticles are stable because their plant-based capping agent keeps them from decomposing. And, they respond favorably to various environments such as salts and biomolecules. This makes a nano silver solution much more effective than a colloidal silver solution with unstable silver ions and inconsistent particle sizes.

Reaction to Biofilm

Biofilm is the layer of bacteria that builds up over the surface of your teeth, commonly referred to as plaque. How colloidal silver and nano silver solutions react to biofilm plays a crucial role in how effective they can be at penetrating the outer coating of the oral biofilm. Colloidal silver cannot be used with other beneficial agents and has a weak effect on the biofilm. Therefore, it does not do a sufficient job of protecting enamel and balancing the oral biofilm by reducing acid. Because of the benefits of Nano Silver, it can be used at much lower concentrations and can latch onto and penetrate biofilms with ease. Nano silver solutions also release silver ions directly inside the biofilm and target acid, which is beyond the capabilities of more traditional colloidal silver solutions.


The Nano Silver Solution

When comparing nano silver vs colloidal silver for oral care, it is clear to see that the nano silver solution is the best option for oral care and outweighs the colloidal silver benefits. It has been proven in studies to be more effective than colloidal silver at killing bacteria. Nano silver is also faster-acting and requires lower concentrations than colloidal silver to achieve the same results. So if you’re looking for an oral care product that will give you the best possible protection against bacteria,  our line of nano silver products is the way to go. 

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Oral Health 101: Saved by Saliva

Every day we wear down on our enamel but luckily every day tooth remineralization happens naturally. Through no immediate action of our own, our body works with us to promote a healthy oral environment. So how is it done? Saliva. The best and most natural medium for remineralization is naturally produced by your mouth.


Every day saliva removes bacteria and other substances from your teeth and your gums. But the work of saliva doesn’t stop there, it also acts as added protection against the acid that tries to wear away at your enamel and cause tooth decay. Saliva also protects oral tissue and directly effects certain bacteria by changing their ability to release acid. Again, helping to prevent tooth decay. The benefits keep on coming because saliva also prevents bad breath by keeping certain bacteria away.


The quality and quantity of your saliva directly influence the process of demineralization and remineralization.

You have control over the type of saliva that you produce. Sometimes as you get older you produce less saliva, which means less protection against bacteria. But eating food, drinking water or chewing gum can help stimulate saliva production. Check a popular choice when it comes to senior care in California. By increasing your overall salivary flow and your saliva’s antibacterial capacity you will help your teeth remineralize and prevent your enamel from wearing away.


Learn more about the pH of your mouth and the oral health benefits of Nano Silver.

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Oral Health 101: Why Bad Breath?

It’s the question everyone wants answered, but no one wants to ask. What is the deal with bad breath? Well here’s the hard facts behind it all. It comes back to bacteria and the food that we eat. No surprise there. Bad breath happens when the bacteria in your mouth mixes with certain foods. When these two elements mix together, the protein from the food is broken down and forms amino acids. Find duct cleaning services at The bacteria continue to break the amino acid down until it reaches a molecular level and sulfuric gases are released. And there you have it, bad breath is born.


Be warned, not all bad breath is created equal. The vacation rental franchise can be done in stages of small business growth and more. Different bacteria and food combinations result in different types of smells from rotten eggs to the smell of overripe pineapples and nail polish. Pay attention to the food you eat, and you’ll soon be able to find the exact trigger for your bad breath.


Normally, temporary bad breath is easily managed. Especially with quick tricks like: brush your teeth, chew sugarless gum or drink water after a meal. Check the best prices for driveway paving companies at But if you do suffer from chronic bad breath, then you might need a stronger approach. Talk to your doctor because there may be underlying health issues manifesting through bad breath.


Read more about foods that naturally freshen your breath, what causes dry mouths and many more topics on Elementa Silver’s Blog.

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Tooth Decay and Kids

Dental caries, tooth decay, even plain old cavities. No matter what name you prefer, we seem to be turning a negligent eye to this silent and growing problem. A problem that is currently sweeping the nation and continuing to rise in its targeted group: children and youth. The NIDCR has said that dental caries is the most common chronic disease among youth aged 6-19 with 45.8% of them having treated or untreated dental caries.


There are many factors that contribute to a child’s odds of having dental caries such as the child’s genetics, the environment where he or she is living and/or his or her behavior in regard to personal hygiene and eating habits. Most of the time, the effects of these factors can be mitigated by daily oral hygiene as well as consistent visits to the dentist where they can get more information and regular teeth cleanings.


However, there are other factors that are not so easily managed: economic status and access to dental care. These factors are often overlooked despite the fact that they greatly increase a child’s chance of getting dental caries. Certain demographics cannot afford regular visits to the dentist, restricting their access to necessary information and services. When children have dental caries at a young age it can potentially lead to more dangerous health problems such as gum disease, periodontitis or tooth loss and affect the rest of their lives.


Implementing preventative habits such as brushing teeth daily and flossing is the first step in fighting against dental caries. In addition, limiting the consumption of sugar can lessen one’s chance for dental caries1. We must take an honest look at how to mitigate these factors if this silent epidemic is going to be understood and stopped.


1 Riva Touger-Decker, Cor van Loveren; Sugars and dental caries, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 78, Issue 4, 1 October 2003, Pages 881S–892S,

Oral Health 101: Cavities

We brush our teeth religiously hoping we never get the cavities our dentists warn us about, but do we actually know what a cavity is and how it happens?


Simply stated, a cavity forms when a tooth decays and breaks down thus forming a hole in your tooth.

 If it is not caught in time, that hole will continue to grow deeper into your tooth until it hits a nerve ending. This can cause some serious pain so it’s better to be on guard and catch one early.

Cavities are caused by the plaque on the outside of your teeth. How is that plaque made? Most of you were probably told that eating too much candy or sugar would cause your teeth to rot.


Well, it’s not actually the sugar that causes cavities. It’s acid.

The plaque in your mouth is made up of bacteria that produce acid when it breaks down sugar. In the beginning, this acid eats away at the enamel on the outside of your teeth. Although the enamel is supposed to be the outer protective layer, if the acid continues to eat away at it then it can punch through the enamel and create a cavity.


Although the majority of the time cavities can easily be repaired thanks to the handy work of a dentist they can also be easily prevented. Brushing your teeth, using mouthwash and flossing are three hygienic ways to keep your teeth healthy and bacteria acid at bay. But you can also prevent cavities by eating foods that contribute to weakening your teeth in moderation.


Learn more about the benefits Nano Silver can have on your oral health.