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What Parents Should Know About Kids Mouthwash

little girl and mother using mouthwash for kids

What Parents Should Know About Kids Mouthwash

Parents (before dentists) should be the first people who must teach kids about the importance of oral hygiene. We all know that kids follow and copy everything that their parents do. Thus, to properly teach children about mouthwash and the importance of oral health, parents themselves must practice dental hygiene regimes. 

It’s given that every parent knows the importance of proper oral hygiene for their kids, but it’s also a good idea to take a look at the specific importance and benefits that lie behind it. Here are some reasons why kids mouthwash is more important than you think.


Reasons Why Oral Hygiene is Important for Your Kids

1. Early preparation means a strong defense against severe oral diseases

girl smiling with hands up with clean teeth


Prevention is indeed better than a cure when it comes to dental healthcare. When you teach your kids to take care of their teeth as early as possible, you establish a strong defense that would protect them against severe dental problems.

Another thing to take note is that children are still submissive with your suggestions and pointers. If you set guidelines on taking care of their teeth early on, their dental regime will turn into a habit. And if you don’t… Just imagine having to deal with teaching a stubborn teenager who refuses to brush their teeth three times a day!


2. Kids mouthwash and good oral hygiene is important for your child’s overall health

Parents should be aware that poor dental health could also affect their sleep, eating, and breathing, which in turn will have negative effects on their child’s growth and development. Think of your child’s oral health as a domino—if it falls, other aspects of their health will follow, leading to more serious complications than just a bad toothache. 

Symptoms of poor oral health chart


To ensure that all aspects of your child’s health are not put at risk, taking care of their teeth and mouth is a must, which is why it is so important for your kid to use a children’s mouthwash.


3. Poor dental health can affect their cognitive development

It might sound surprising at first, but poor dental hygiene can actually affect kids’ cognitive development. When your child’s poor dental hygiene is left unchecked, it can lead to toothache and other oral infections that will result in frequent school absences. As a result, it directly affects their learning and development at school.

kid reading book and promoting Oral Health in Schools


4. It can help prevent chronic medical conditions

There is a big and serious consequence of poor dental hygiene: the inevitability of chronic diseases like gum disease and cardiovascular disease. It can even lead to stroke and diabetes! These risks will not surely manifest all at once, but if kids are not taught the importance of proper dental hygiene, they would inevitably suffer from these consequences in time.


You can prevent these conditions with complete oral health hygiene. This includes:


The importance of a healthy smile with toothbrushes in a jar


We all know that the first three are key to avoiding oral health issues, but do we really need mouthwash? While it doesn’t replace brushing or flossing, the American Dental Association recommends mouth rinses as a great addition to our daily dental routine. It serves as a tool to fight gingivitis and tooth decay, especially in those hard to reach areas in your mouth, which is another reason why it’s essential to teach your kids the importance of mouthwash. 

Now the question is, can your kid use mouthwash?


How to Know if Your Kids are Ready for a Children’s Mouthwash

Maybe your kids have been nagging you about gargling that green or blue liquid atop your bathroom sink. If they have, you’ve probably told them they can’t use it yet because they’re too young. But hold on, they might be ready! The guidelines below will help you discern whether or not they can use mouth rinse, so read on.


Question #1: How old is your child? 

Mouth rinses are typically recommended for children who are aged 6 years old and up. If your kids are still under age 6, the fluoride in rinses can be too harsh on their teeth. You can also opt for a kids mouthwash that uses gentler ingredients.


Question #2: What does your child use on their teeth? 

Parents should also be aware that a children’s mouthwash should only be introduced if their kids are already using toothpaste and floss to clean their teeth.


Question #3: Can they swish? 

Finally, the ultimate test to know if your kids are really ready for a mouth rinse is if they can swish it on their mouth and spit it out properly without swallowing it.

Swishing doesn’t come naturally, though! To properly prepare your child for mouthwash, let them swish ordinary water first, and train them to spit it out without swallowing it. Once they have perfected this, you can now introduce them to their first-ever kids mouthwash experience.


The Benefits of Kids Mouthwash


Benefit # 1 It can make brushing and flossing more effective

By using mouth rinse first, mouthwash takes away the particles that are found on our teeth when we wake up, which makes the job of brushing and flossing more easier and effective.

Benefit # 2 It can result in fresher breath

This might be the most obvious benefit that kids can see in a mouth rinse. With fresh breath, they can have better interactions with other children like playmates and classmates.

Benefit # 3 It protects your child from costly medical treatments

After being introduced to a children’s mouthwash, your kids now have 3 lines of defenses against tooth decay and other oral diseases that may lead to more serious and costly medical treatments.

Healthier teeth and gums for kids


The Best Mouthwash For Your Kids’ Oral Health

We at Elementa Silver value your children’s oral health as much as we value yours. It is important to have full cleaning checklist when you need move in cleaning help. With that being said, we formulated a special mouth rinse that can help maintain and improve your kids’ overall oral healthcare. Our 20 oz Kids’ Rinses utilize our state-of-the-art Nano-Silver technology to further penetrate your kids’ plaque.

This special children’s mouthwash made especially for your kids has a substance called Xylitol that can eliminate bad breath without interfering with their mouth’s natural process of producing saliva.  It’s also alcohol-free, so it won’t burn or irritate your child’s mouth. Your kid gets an extra layer of protection against cavities without being harsh on their teeth and mouth, and that’s why it’s the best mouthwash for kids.

With all these benefits, we’re sure that the best thing that children will love about our mouth rinse is its 4 delicious flavors: bubble gum, lollipop, mint candy, and sweet apple flavors. Learn more about how our kids mouth rinse can help your child’s oral health.


Dentist formulated kids mouthwash with yummy flavors


Shop Kids Mouthwash

What Does Fluoride Do For Your Teeth?

a bottle of mouthwash with fluoride being examined through magnifying glass

What Does Fluoride Do For Your Teeth?

Imagine a month, a week or even just a day without any teeth. Now imagine if dentures never existed. You pass by a restaurant and you smell a delicious steak being grilled. You take a seat and order one. As soon as your meal reaches your table, you take a fork and a knife to cut a delectable piece of meat right before sinking your teeth into it.

Whoops. Almost forgot that you don’t have teeth, didn’t you?

That’s how important our teeth are and how sad we’ll be once we’re unable to eat delicious, solid food. Sure, you can get dentures in case you lose a couple of teeth due to cavities, but it’s cheaper to just take good care of your teeth in the first place with a good fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste.


The Cavity’s Greatest Fear

Our teeth are known for being tough on their own but they need to be taken care of as a thank you for the hard work they do for us. 

Brushing, flossing, and gargling are the most basic requirements for taking care of your teeth, but in order to effectively maintain it, you should be aware of what’s inside the products that you are using. And most, if not all, of the products you will see in the market, as far as teeth are concerned, is fluoride. 

You see it on toothpaste boxes, and you also see it on commercial ads, but what exactly is fluoride, and what does fluoride do for your teeth? You see, fluoride isn’t exactly the Romeo to the Juliet of cavities – it is more of a Superman to kryptonite relationship. One weakens and gets rid of the other with an often and prolonged contact.


The Truth About Fluoride in Toothpaste and Other Oral Hygiene Products

fluoride teeth cleaner used by dentist


There are numerous ways to get the fluoride in your system, and as stated earlier, using products with fluoride in it is the most common way this can be achieved.

While it is true that the majority of dental products contain fluoride, what makes them different from one another is the level of fluoride content depending on what type of product is being used. While toothpaste and dental floss have fluoride in them, the fluoride gel and varnish applied by your dentist contains more fluoride. In fact, even the community water that is provided within your residence is equipped with this tooth decay-fighting agent.

That does not mean that one is better than the other though and that you only need to focus on one method of adding it to your system. The trick to protecting your teeth with a layer of fluoride coating is to constantly apply it. Simply brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash would be enough, but you may want to protect yourself from the inside out by doing that plus visiting your local dentist regularly. With the combination of both, cavities will surely not be an issue for you.


So, Is Fluoride Bad For You?

The short answer is no, but fluoride is not that all high and mighty, though. Fluoride may have been a superhero for your teeth, but do not start thinking that it alone will be enough to save you. 

As everyone knows, too much of something is bad for you, and the same goes for fluoride. Sure, it does not happen that much overall, but it is better to be aware that too much fluoride can backfire at you – it can damage your teeth from the inside instead of protecting it, or worse, you may get overdosed and you get sickly because of it. 

Worst case scenario, too much fluoride can kill you, but this happens very rarely and is caused by ingesting much more fluoride than you could consume with a regular brushing and fluoride mouthwash rinsing routine.


The Consequences of No Fluoride

Looking at the other side of the coin, no fluoride at all also gets you into bad territory. Not only will you deal with your teeth breaking, or even losing your teeth entirely, toothaches and gum inflammations will be also your constant enemy – not only is it a threat to your wallet for visiting the dentist and taking medications and unnecessary treatments amounting to ridiculous amounts of cash, but it will also affect your performance either at work or school, which can end up ruining your life, both figuratively, and even literally. 

You heard that right, a broken tooth can kill you. How you may ask? Cavities in your teeth will make you prone to gum infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which can seriously injure your gums. That, of course, is an opportunity for other harmful elements such as bacteria and viruses to invade your system, and eventually, if everything is left unchecked, it will attack you from the inside.


What More Can You Do To Get Your Teeth Going

Please do take note that fluoride works not by attacking any cavity-inducing bacteria that comes to your teeth – fluoride instead serves as a wall of protection to repel the bacteria from coming inside your precious teeth. And like with other protective gear, it can suffer from wear and tear with constant attacks. That’s where your lifestyle comes in. Implementing SEO tips as explained at page, will boost your business and put you in the spotlight. Your job is to make sure that your teeth will not get too much cavity-making bacteria to work on, for it to successfully protect your teeth every day.

To achieve this, you must first know what your greatest risks are with regards to cavities. Aside from minimal to no dental care, both at home and with your dentist, the food you eat can also be a major cause of cavities – and not just the food you eat itself, but also how you consume it. 

Studies have already proven that both poor diet choices and constantly eating can and will put your oral health in scrutiny. Always remember to take care of yourself at all times, and your teeth will thank you for it. Because if not, what would even be the purpose of the fluoride shielding your teeth? 


Using a Good Fluoride Mouthwash

woman rinsing with mouthwash before going to sleep


Don’t forget that you have to pair the good habit of brushing and flossing your teeth, as well as dental check-ups with rinsing your mouth. A good fluoride mouthwash can be what makes or breaks your oral hygiene regimen. Get more info on site and you will be very satisfied with services of these maids in Georgia. However, not all mouth rinses are made the same. Some mouthwashes use ingredients that can do more harm than good, so make sure you choose a mouthwash that protects your mouth from bacteria using non-toxic non-burning antiseptics. A great example is mouth rinses that use nano silver technology, which is definitely worth giving a try.


So, What Does Fluoride Do For Your Teeth?

As you’ve just learned, fluoride does a lot for your teeth! With the numerous products that we have today on the public market and the scientific studies that have proven the benefits of fluoride with regards to our oral hygiene, fluoride is a true blessing for everyone. It can ensure that you can eat peacefully and it brings out the true beauty of your smile. With fluoride on our side and with consistent care, your oral health will be A-OK. 

So go out there and smile – your smile should get noticed. Learn more about Elementa’s fluoride mouthwash, toothpastes and other oral hygiene products with nano silver technology today!

5 Things You Need to Do to Prevent Tooth Decay


child smiling with missing and decaying teeth

5 Things You Need to Do to Prevent Tooth Decay

They say that tooth decay is the second most common disease after the common cold, so it’s no surprise that a lot of people are struggling to figure out how to stop tooth decay. We know that one of the reasons why you are currently reading this is because you want to know how to prevent tooth decay so you can stop it from happening! 

Some people take their oral health for granted (you better not be one of them). They don’t know that it is one of the most essential parts of our daily lives. Having cavities and unhealthy teeth can cause huge problems, not just for your self-confidence but for your well-being as well. Research says that over 30,000 Americans suffer from oral cancer each year, and you don’t want to be part of that statistic. Tooth decay is known to spread quickly, so to avoid that, you should know the early signs of tooth decay so it can be detected and treated as quickly as possible. 


Early Signs of Tooth Decay

The signs and symptoms of tooth decay can vary from person to person and depend on various factors. Some people can experience tooth decay at their gum line, while others may see tooth decay on the bottom or behind their teeth. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the early signs of tooth decay and their symptoms include:

  • Toothache, spontaneous pain or pain that occurs without any apparent cause
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold
  • Visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • Brown, black or white staining on any surface of a tooth
  • Pain when you bite down


How to Stop Tooth Decay

There are simple things that you can try to keep your teeth safe. We prepared a list of 5 simple things you can do to prevent tooth decay and protect that dazzling smile.


1. Floss and brush your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste

Brushing your teeth is the most common thing to do if you want to take good care of your oral hygiene. Paired with flossing, this good habit can help lessen the cavities that are staying in your mouth. While brushing and flossing are important, you should also make sure that you are using the right oral health products that will help you prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride has a way of helping our teeth stay strong and healthy. By directly using it as a toothpaste, it speeds up remineralization and slows the breakdown of enamel. It also prevents cavities in both children and adults, strengthens weak spots, and prevents tooth decay.

Brush your teeth 2 or 3 times a day. And don’t forget to floss! Proper dental flossing helps prevent tooth decay along your gum line and reduces your risk of developing gum disease. Also, flossing allows you to check your mouth for any unhealthy symptoms. If you don’t do this, you will not be able to remove plaque build-up between your teeth, which might lead to a severe dental issue called Gingivitis.


2. Rinse regularly using a mouthwash

Another way to help you prevent tooth decay is to rinse your mouth with a quality mouthwash. Doing so helps reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth that might cause bad breath and unhealthy gums. It strengthens enamel and minerals, protects your teeth from harmful acids, and gives you fresher breath. Also, if you choose a mouthwash that has a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide, it can whiten your teeth.

Your choice in mouthwash matters, as not all types make the cut to keeping your mouth healthy. Mouth rinses that contain alcohol can be too harsh and lead to dry mouth. If you’re up to trying something new, go for a mouthwash that uses revolutionary Nano Silver technology to improve your oral hygiene.

Rinsing with mouthwash helps fight plaque and prevent tartar build-up, which are typical culprits of tooth decay. However, this can only be effective when accompanied with a proper oral hygiene regimen. Even if you use mouthwash, you still need to brush your teeth for effective tooth decay prevention. Just don’t swallow it as ingesting mouthwash can cause vomiting, upset stomach, and other problems. 


3. Observe proper diet

They say, “You are what you eat.”. Well, this is true for your teeth and gums, too. When you drink and eat starchy or sugary foods, you are not only feeding yourself, but you are also feeding the germs that cause tooth decay and gum disease in your mouth.

Plaque is a thin, invisible, sticky film of bacteria that covers all the surfaces of your teeth. When you eat sugars or starches and they come in contact with plaque, they form acids. These acids can break down hard enamel on the surface of your teeth, which may lead to tooth decay or bacteria build-up that could trigger an inflammatory response.

So to maintain healthier teeth and gums and to prevent tooth decay, you might want to switch your diet to something healthier, too. Eat tooth-healthy foods like fiber-rich vegetables and fruits because fiber helps keep your teeth and gums clean. Also, eating dairy like cheese is a must. Cheese is high in calcium and protein that is good at strengthening enamel and increasing saliva production in the mouth.

Just know that saliva reduces the effects of acids and enzymes attacking your teeth, and it also contains traces of calcium and phosphate that helps restore minerals to the areas of your teeth.


4. Visit your dentist regularly

The obvious reason why anyone goes to their dentist is to take care of their teeth. The dentist has the tools and the knowledge to combat what brushing and flossing cannot do. There are still bits of plaque left in your mouth that dissolves in your teeth and causes decay. So even if you brush your teeth, floss regularly and use mouthwash, you still need to see a dentist. 

Tartar is one example of something that is impossible to remove without dentist tools and skills. Without bi-yearly cleanings, your teeth may reach a point where it might require an operation due to severe damage.

All of these problems listed above revolve around one thing: expensive medical procedures. So to prevent tooth decay and to prevent you from spending a lot of money, go visit your dentist. They will help you avoid severe decay and damage to the inside of your mouth. Prevention is always easier and better than a cure, so pay those regular visits to your dentist to avoid such problems.


5. Get Dental Sealants

Dental Sealant is another kind of dental treatment that helps prevent tooth decay. They are usually placed on the chewing surface of the permanent back of our teeth. Though it is not a mandatory thing to do, some dentists recommend that you do this to give your molar and premolar teeth the extra protection they need.

Molar and premolar teeth are the ones responsible for grinding the food we eat. They have fissures that are deep and difficult to clean. Mostly, plaque accumulates in these areas, attacking the enamel of our teeth which develops into cavities. So if you’re wondering how to stop tooth decay from leaving pits and holes in your teeth, you might want to ask your dentist for this procedure.


Prevent Your Teeth From Cavities and Decay

Your oral health is a window to your overall health. It is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, so not taking good care of your oral health can cause you to suffer from diseases, not just in your mouth, but also inside your body.

So, if you want to prevent tooth decay, always remember to eat healthily and avoid sugary snacks. Brush your teeth and floss them daily. Protect your teeth with the use of mouthwash, and don’t forget your regular dental check-up!

Protect Your Mouth and Prevent Tooth Decay with the Help of Elementa Silver Tooth Gel and Mouth Rinse

Elementa Silver offers a variety of toothpastes and mouth rinses with Nano Silver technology that can penetrate plaque and help you prevent tooth decay. See how our oral health products are revolutionizing oral hygiene.

Sugar Doesn’t Cause Cavities – So What Does?

A History of Misinformation

What you’ve been taught, your whole life, is all a lie. Well… sort of. Often times, when you ask someone what causes cavities, you’ll hear: sugar, not brushing, or not flossing enough. While all of those things are contributing factors, they’re not actually what causes tooth decay.

Cavities are caused by acid that is released when the germs in your mouth consume sugar. Because these germs live in your plaque that acid is released directly on your tooth, behind the natural barrier that is your plaque. This means your tooth is being eroded, behind a wall, and it can take up to 2 hours for your saliva to break in and neutralize the acid! On top of that, some people just naturally have a more acidic environment than others making their teeth more susceptible cavities, no matter how much they brush, floss, or avoid sugar.

Some people just naturally have a more acidic environment than others.

Ok, this may all sound like semantics: sugar + germs = acid. Acid + tooth = cavities; you get it. You’re probably thinking, “fine I’ll just try to cut out more sugar from my diet and hit the germ-killing mouthwash”, which is great but there are issues with that logic. First problem is that, like most people, your resolution to change you diet will likely be quickly abandoned. Only 8% people who set diet goals, stick to them (Forbes –

The other issue is that, when using traditional cleaning methods, you’re literally fighting acid with… acid. Tooth decay is known to occur at PH levels as high as a 6.5 PH reading. Check out the below chart to see where your mouth rinse lands on the PH scale (remember, the higher the PH, the better). Is it any wonder why some people, who do everything they’re supposed to do (brush, floss, swish, and lay back on the sugar), still get cavities? It’s like trying to put out dumpster fire… with more fire.

See where your current product lands on the pH scale

So now you’re wondering “what’s so great about your product that makes it so much better than everything else”. Simple, it’s dentist-formulated science.

First – our product immediately begins neutralizing the acid currently doing damage to your teeth.

Second- Our nanosilver particles, opens up channels in your plaque barrier.

Third- Through these channels the calcium

So to break it down, it neutralizes acid, targets bad germs, and supports the rebuilding of your teeth; all without the nerve-searing feeling that competitor products provide.

Just brushing your teeth can’t prevent bad breath

Dentists recommend that we brush our teeth three times a day to ensure that no cavities form nor should any stinky breath come out of our mouth. While brushing your teeth with a fancy toothbrush helps remove tiny particles of food, no amount of thin or angled bristles can fully penetrate through plaque and cavities. Brushing your teeth is just the first step to the long journey of keeping your mouth clean and healthy.

Even people who religiously brush their teeth three times a day still get cavities and tooth decay. There must be something wrong with plain old tooth brushing, after all, considering that 92% of the daily American suffers from tooth problems despite brushing their teeth every day.

While fluoride helps clean your teeth at a surface level, you might want to consider that bacteria love to hide in the nooks and crannies of your mouth. Whether it’s in between your teeth, the sides of your tongue or inside the hard plaque buildup behind your tooth, these bacteria aren’t going to disappear overnight just from brushing your teeth alone.

How to Deal with Bad Breath Effectively

Oral bacteria cause halitosis, your worst nightmare if you have to interact with a lot of people. So if you really want to do away with that nightmarish bad breath, you’re going to need more than just a plain toothbrush. You need the power of mouthwash or a mouth rinse!

Studies show that brushing alone only has the power to get rid of about 25% of bacteria, sugar, and acids. And even if you brush your tongue again and again, there would still be germs on it. Gargling with a mouth rinse helps take care of the remaining problems that cause plaque, cavities and tooth decay.

But not all mouthwashes are made equal. Some cause more problems than others. The majority of mouthwash brands contain alcohol, which causes that painful, burning sensation against your inner cheeks and gums. It’s also not helpful for recovering alcoholics as it can trigger a relapse.

While the alcohol acts as an antiseptic ingredient that’s supposed to kill off bacteria, it also removes the good bacteria in your mouth which helps support and control the neutral acidity in your saliva. That’s the acid in our saliva that breaks down the food we eat so our body can absorb its nutrients. Having no acid in your saliva can lead to bad breath and dry mouth while having too much acid can cause plaque and cavities.

Yikes! Neither are good for you, so what kind of mouthwash should you get?

The Best Type of Mouthwash on the Market

Can you imagine a product that helps clean your mouth without killing off the good bacteria that need to get their job done? With the help of nano silver technology, you can finally experience an anti-bacterial mouthwash that’s tough on germs while being gentle on your mouth tissues without any alcohol content.

Nano silver technology works by boring tiny holes against the plaque buildup in your teeth. When you need a legal advice be sure to find reputable work injury lawyer los angeles, CA at Once it’s able to penetrate through the layer of germs, it helps strengthen your enamel and provides the calcium protection your teeth need all while removing the plaque that’s in the way.

mouth rinse for bad breath
Elementa Mouth Rinse

Keeping your teeth happy and healthy shouldn’t feel like a painful, tedious chore. You should also choose a product that can help you fight off halitosis and plaque without the sharp sting or numbing taste. Luckily, Elementa mouth rinses come in 4 flavors: Cinnamon Clove, Winter Mint, Honey Sweet and Cool Peppermint. These different flavors offer sweet lingering tastes that keep you worry-free when it comes to sugary acids.

No one enjoys that burning, stinging sensation while gargling. And alcohol can’t get rid of plaque, so what’s the point of rinsing with a mouthwash that hurts you? Experience the protection of nano silver technology by trying Elementa mouth rinse.

Shop Our Mouthwashes

What Causes Bad Breath and How to Get Rid of It

man with glasses checking the smell of his bad breath


What Causes Bad Breath and How to Get Rid of It

We’re all familiar with the funky smell that comes from our mouths when we’ve just woken up in the morning, but bad breath that lasts throughout the day despite brushing our teeth? That’s entirely another story! Imagine trying to speak at an interview, or ordering coffee at a cafe. You would not want anybody smelling that at all—the ramifications this can have on your social life, career, and personal relationships are endless.

The unpleasant breath odor is known medically as halitosis, bad breath can be the result of oral disease, poor oral hygiene, or, in rare cases, an underlying illness. Diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits such as alcoholism and smoking can also contribute to having bad breath. Bad breath also has some psychological effects.

People who have been alerted to having bad breath may develop anxiety about this sensitive issue. So, how do you get rid of bad breath? There is an abundance of products to fight bad breath such as mouthwash, gum, mints, toothpaste, and more. Sadly, many of these products only solve the problem temporarily and do not address the root cause. Positive lifestyle and diet changes along with proper oral hygiene may help the problem, but ultimately, one must seek the help of an oral healthcare professional if bad breath still persists.

Bad breath odors vary from person to person, depending on the underlying cause. Some people even think they have bad breath but do not, while others have bad breath they are unaware of completely. There are two major concerns about bad breath which are both genuine and non-genuine. Genuine cases are those that are physiological in nature, while non-genuine cases are merely referred to as “delusional” which can be caused by some kind of halitophobia or pseudo halitosis. Remaining cases are the result of disorders, either in the ear, nose and throat region, the lungs, or the gastroesophageal tract.


What Causes Bad Breath Even After Brushing?

What causes bad breath cannot simply be pinned down to one factor alone as there are several factors that can contribute to bad breath, as mentioned earlier. 

Here are some of the most common causes of bad breath that you could potentially be suffering from. 

The best opinion should always come from a dental professional, so make sure you get checked if your problem persists.


  • Mouth

A study on halitosis conducted by Canadian oral health expert, Mel Rosenberg, “The Science of Bad Breath”, shows 90% of genuine cases of bad breath come from the mouth itself. This is known medically as intra-oral halitosis, oral malodor, or oral halitosis. This is why one of the most important things to understand is how to kill bad bacteria in your mouth.

Dental plaque, which is of course found in your mouth, is a major cause of bad breath. Initially, it’s a sticky and colorless biofilm made up of bacteria found in the mouth that forms in the teeth and gum line. When it forms tartar, it becomes yellowish to brown. It is in the process of forming dental plaque, which is one of the most common causes of bad breath. This substance can produce foul odors caused by the breakdown of proteins found in leftover food particles in your mouth which are released every time you breathe. Certain foods and beverages may even cause elevated levels of foul odor, particularly in the absence of proper oral hygiene.

This is why it is extra important to use a proper mouthwash and the right kind of toothpaste that will penetrate dental plaque and tartar to help kill the odor-causing bacteria in your mouth.


  • Tongue

If you find that you still have bad breath after brushing your teeth, the culprit might be an area of your mouth that you may be neglecting – the tongue. The tongue also harbors bacteria that produce foul odors associated with bad breath. Large quantities of bacteria are often found in the posterior dorsum of the tongue. This area is often dry and poorly cleansed and relatively disturbed during normal tongue activity – a perfect breeding ground, one might say. 

These bacteria yield a foul “rotten egg” type of smell because of the volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) present. However, these bacteria should not be confused with the white coating present on the tongue. Make sure that you clean your tongue as part of your brushing routine, and use a mouthwash that will take care of the rest of the nasty bacteria on your tongue and in your mouth.


  • Gums

There are small grooves found between teeth and gums. These are called gingival crevices, and they can become inflamed when a person is suffering from gingivitis, which can be another cause of bad breath. Gum disease can also be the cause of severe halitosis, especially in its advanced stages where pockets may form in the gums that contain pus. People with uncontrolled diabetes are prone to have gingival abscesses. The bacteria that cause gum diseases ultimately produce volatile sulfur compounds. One of these compounds, methanethiol, is one of the most prominent compounds that contribute to bad breath. This means that your bad breath could be a symptom of gingivitis or gum disease.

If you are suffering from bad breath and think you may have gingivitis or gum disease, you should seek the help of a dental professional.


What Role Do Lifestyle and Diet Play?

Certain foods, beverages, and tobacco products are also primary causes of bad breath. Food and beverages that have high sugar content are particularly notable as these sugars are the primary food of the bacteria present in the mouth and will cause an increased buildup of dental plaque. Additionally. tobacco products can stain your teeth and may lead to gum disease. 

If you’re wondering how to get rid of bad breath, consider making certain lifestyle or diet changes like giving up smoking or chewing tobacco, or eating a diet that consists of less-sugary foods.


How can you avoid bad breath?

At home, simple remedies and lifestyle changes can help reduce bad breath. Proper oral hygiene is also key. 

Here are a few things you can do at home to help kill odor-causing bacteria in your mouth and will help you get rid of that pesky bad breath.

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Flossing as a part of your brushing routine and after meals will clean your teeth thoroughly and will remove food particles that cannot be reached by your toothbrush.
  • Clean your dentures if you have any. This also includes bridges or mouthguards. Make sure you wash these thoroughly after each use.
  • Don’t forget to clean your tongue. You can use a tongue scraper or brushing your tongue will do. 
  • Stay hydrated to avoid dry mouth. Avoid alcohol and tobacco and keep the saliva flowing by chewing sugar-free gum.
  • Change your diet. Avoid onions, garlic, and spicy food. Also, foods rich in sugar such as candy bars also contribute to bad breath. Eat crisp fruits or vegetables such as apples and celery to stimulate your gums and increase saliva production.
  • Use a mouth rinse regularly to get into hard-to-reach spaces in your mouth. Make sure you choose the right type because some contain ingredients like alcohol that can lead to dry mouth. One particular type of mouth rinse that is both effective and safe with pH content is Nano Silver mouthwash from Elementa. This mouthwash is effective at penetrating dental plaque and killing harmful odor-causing bacteria.


Learn More About How Nano Silver Can Help Get Rid of Your Bad Breath

We hope that this article will enlighten you about what causes bad breath and encourage you to avoid foods and lifestyle choices that may contribute to bad breath. 

Learn more about Nano Silver and view more of Elementa’s Nano Silver products that will help kill bacteria in your mouth and help you tackle that pesky bad breath once and for all.

Always remember to seek medical help if bad breath persists.


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Maintaining a set of healthy white teeth may take a lifetime. You have to be sure to use proper brushing and flossing techniques as part of your daily oral care habit to reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss. You can also go the extra mile by supplementing your daily oral care habit by using mouthwash.

Brushing and flossing might be reliable ways to clean your teeth, but mouthwash can reach deeper places that a brush or dental floss cannot reach. Careful consideration must be observed when choosing the type of mouthwash to use, as alcohol-based mouthwashes can sometimes irritate and dry your mouth.

If you want to supplement your daily oral hygiene habit with mouthwash, it is important to know what mouthwash does, the types of mouthwash available, as well as what makes them unique. Remember, mouthwash is not a replacement for regular brushing and flossing—these are still the most reliable ways of cleaning your teeth.

Here’s what you need to know about the different types of mouthwash available on the market.


1. Fluoride Mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwashes are a great supplement to your dental care regimen if you live in an area where fluoridated water is not available. This type of mouthwash contains sodium fluoride, a compound that has been known for decades to fight cavities and tooth decay. Be mindful that too much fluoride levels can be toxic.


2. Antiseptic Mouthwash

This is the most common type of mouthwash. Antiseptic mouthwashes are typically alcohol-based. They are commonly used to stop bacterial growth in people with oral infections. Antiseptic mouthwashes are also used to fight bad breath or halitosis.

Since alcohol is a powerful agent, it is recommended to avoid overusing alcohol-based mouthwashes. These will leave your mouth feeling dry and cause discoloration of teeth due to enamel erosion. Certain people may also find this type of mouthwash irritating.


3. Cosmetic Mouthwash

Cosmetic mouthwashes temporarily control bad breath and leave your mouth feeling fresh. Unfortunately, these do not reduce the risk of tooth decay or gum diseases.


4. Natural Mouthwash

Natural mouthwashes have gained popularity recently as an alternative to alcohol-based oral rinses. This type of mouthwash does what other types of mouthwashes do except it is made of natural ingredients minus their drawbacks such as irritation or toxicity. Due to its organic nature, natural mouthwashes are considered safer than other types of mouthwash. However, these are also more expensive than other more common mouthwash types and are rarely available off the shelf or over the counter.


5. Nanosilver Mouth Rinse

A new type of mouthwash that has emerged recently, this type of mouthwash contains nanosilver particles. Studies show that nanosilver particles are effective at penetrating dental plaque and allowing other neutralizing agents to get through and break it down. Aside from this function, nanosilver is also a neutralizing antimicrobial agent that promotes uptake of calcium, which results in stronger teeth.

A primary example of this type of mouthwash in Elementa Nanosilver Mouth rinse. This breakthrough in dental care is a product of extensive research and development. Silver nanoparticles have been known as a powerful antibacterial agent for years. Further study into silver nanoparticles yielded a solution that would ultimately be able to neutralize oral acids, break down plaque, and fight bacteria in a healthy and safe way. Thus, oral rinses that contain silver nanoparticles were developed immediately.



What type of mouthwash is best?

We choose nanosilver mouthwash. But why?

Think about a product that has all the benefits of other types of mouthwashes, without their negative side effects such as dry mouth and irritation. Imagine a product that actually works long term instead of just masking bad breath temporarily. Elementa’s plant-based nanosilver technology allows it to penetrate dental plaque and deliver other neutralizing agents directly to the surface of your teeth. Think of it as a Trojan Horse that basically destroys plaque from the inside. 

Elemental Nanosilver Mouth rinse is antibacterial, non-toxic, and does not leave a burning sensation in your mouth unlike other mouthwashes in the market. It is 100% safe to use.


The mouth rinse is made of only 5 core ingredients:

  • The plant-based nanosilver acts as a delivery agent, penetrating plaque.
  • Calcium remineralizes your teeth to keep them strong.
  • Xylitol neutralizes the acid that is produced by bacteria that causes plaque.
  • Natural flavors derived from plant extracts to leave a fresh sensation in your mouth after use.
  • Finally, water keeps everything together.

Before using mouthwash, it is important to seek the advice of dental care professionals to determine which type of mouthwash is the right one for you. Also, make sure to use products that have the American Dental Association seal of approval. Don’t forget to always follow the instructions on the label or your dental care professional.

Dr. Nolan Live Q&A: Part Three

What allergies, if any, should dentists caution when recommending the rinse?

I don’t think there are any. We did a ton of research on all of the profiles of the ingredients to make sure that wasn’t going to be an issue. We have done a toxicology report on it which shows there is nothing to be concerned about. In fact, if you do have a patient who has some inflammatory conditions I think it would be beneficial to use because we know that the silver nanoparticles are anti-inflammatory.


Do you think that tooth decay can be healed?

It depends on what stage the tooth decay is in. In school, we are taught that there are E1, E2, and E3 lesions and D1, D2, and D3. There’s not a lot of studies done on reparative dentin but essentially, if you are within a certain frame for the lesion, I do think the enamel can remineralize.

But there is a point of no return. Your tooth is built of crystals and those crystals have lattices which are kind of like support beams for your tooth. Figuratively speaking, there are four support beams on the bottom and if you don’t have a support beam you can’t build anything on top. It depends on how far along the cavity is and if there is still that support structure. You need that phosphate backbone to remineralize and if you don’t have it, there is nothing you can do.


Does the mouth rinse help with dry mouth?

Yes, it helps with dry mouth. I think we are one of the few brands, that has 25% xylitol in our product. This is the recommended and approved amount in all the studies that have been done.


There are a lot of products out there that list xylitol as an ingredient. But when you are reading an ingredient list on mouthwash or any other product the first ingredient is the ingredient found the most in the mouthwash. The second ingredient is the second largest ingredient found in the product and so forth. If you see a product has xylitol but it is the last ingredient it means that they just sprinkled some in there so that they could say that they have xylitol in their product. Every single one of our products is at least 25% because we know that’s been studied and we know that’s what helps with dry mouth.


What areas of research do you want to see more?

I want to see more research on dental health and prevention. I think there are a lot of resources that they give to other things first and prevention is definitely last on the scale. All the things that we do are independently funded and people aren’t investing in prevention.

We came into all of this thinking why are people not investing in prevention? There’s a ton of research on endpoint treatment. So that is what we are doing. We are trying to fill that void and do as much clinical research as we can on prevention.


What is your favorite flavor?

Peppermint is my favorite, but we actually have a bunch of flavors that aren’t out yet. We have some kid flavors that are coming out soon and I really like Apple. I think the upcoming flavors are Candy, Bubble Gum, Apple, Cinnamon Apple, Tropical Mint, Apple Mint, and Mango.


Is the mouthwash safe to swallow?

Yes, based on the toxicity reports you will not have to call poison control center if you swallow some of it.


What is the future for Elementa?

I think the future going forward is do as much research as clinically possible in the time that we have available. Invest in new products and new technology and try to improve prevention. We want to be the best in the prevention business and we want people to know that we stand behind our products and we make the best products out there. And we want to push the competition to make less acidic products. We want to be the best and the most researched in the industry.


Does Nano Silver turn you blue?

No, if you inject yourself with really highly ionic silver over time or if you are consuming it at a very high concentration your skin can turn blue. The difference between that and the Nano Silver we use is we are three generations apart from that. We call it Generation 0. This is silver salt and was used for a long time for anti-microbial purposes.

Next was Generation 1 which was colloidal silver. These are particles that are typically 100 Nanometers, but they are inconsistent in size because they are created through pumping electricity through a wire and collecting the ionic silver that comes off. It’s not really much better than silver salt. If you inject a bunch of that stuff it will definitely turn you blue, but you’d have to do a lot of it.

Then Generation 2 came along which is chemically modified Nano Silver. This fixed a couple of the issues that Generation 1 had but it ended up having some toxicity issues and it doesn’t stay stable for very long so it’s not as biocompatible. It had great unique properties, but it was not biocompatible or stable.

Generation 3 is what no one is working on and is what we have developed which is plant-based Nano Silver and other compounds too so it’s not only Nano Silver that we have. We coated the actual particles with a plant-based compound. That plant cased compound is biocompatible and is not a bioaccumulant. This means it does not deposit in the skin so it will not turn you blue.

The Story behind Generation 3 Nano Silver

The thing about Nano Silver is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, we are giving you all the answers right here, right now.


It all starts with Generation 0. Silver Salts or Ionic Silver. For a long time, silver salts were used for anti-microbial purposes. However, the list of negatives for Generation 0 is lengthy: it’s unstable, it’s toxic, and it’s less effective in penetrating the biofilm. Also, if you continually inject yourself with a really high dose of ionic silver it can turn your skin blue. So, unless you want the appearance of a smurf, I would keep my distance or at least encourage monitored moderation.


Then came Generation 1: Colloidal silver. A lot of times people get confused with colloidal silver and our Nano Silver. But they are different. Colloidal silver particles are typically 100 Nanometers but are really inconsistent in size. This is because they are created through pumping electricity through a wire and then collecting the ionic silver that comes off. In all honesty, it’s not that much better than silver salt in our opinion. In fact, if you inject a large quantity of colloidal silver that will definitely turn you blue as well. But again, you’d have to inject a very large quantity.


Next is Generation 2. This is chemically engineered, Nano Silver. Not quite to the point where we want to use it but it’s getting there. This generation fixed a couple of issues that Generation 1 had. Visit It was more consistent in size, but it had some toxicity issues, so it was not biocompatible, and it was not stable. This was definitely not ideal especially if human consumption was involved. We were starting to find some great and unique properties there but still, particles that are not biocompatible and not stable are hard to work with.


Finally, we are here with Generation 3. The generation we use in Elementa Nano Silver Mouthrinse. It is a plant-based Nano Silver. One of the key differences between generation 3 and generation 2 is that we coat the actual particles with a plant-based compound. This makes the Nano Silver biocompatible and not a bioaccumulate. And if you are still worried about being blue, the key phrase to focus on here is “not a bioaccumulate.” This means it does not deposit on the skin and will not turn you blue.

Dr. Nolan Live Q&A: Part Two

Why is mouthwash necessary?

Mouthwash isn’t necessary, and you don’t technically have to have mouthwash. But we have seen that a good deal of individuals are going to end up on the caries sheet no matter what you do. The caries sheet is the 92% of individuals who are 18 years old and over that are going to have decay or some form of decay at one point in their lives. When I first saw these numbers, it shocked me. It made me realize that if everything was going right and brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing was doing everything right then 92% of people would not be getting decay.  Anything is more effective if it is going to reduce someone’s risk profile and risk factors like diet, hygiene, salivary flow, and genetics. We wanted to have an adjunct available that we knew was going to pack enough punch and have the most amount of research behind it. That’s why we started with creating a mouthwash.



How are pH levels in your mouth related to oral health? Does Nano Silver help with pH level? How long does it last?

A lot of people think that the pH levels in your mouth have a lot to do with your saliva. Saliva does have a lot to do with it but there’s also this fluid called plaque fluid in there as well. You have saliva and you have a second layer which is saliva plaque interface and you have an inner layer of the biofilm which is actually plaque fluid. Plaque fluid is separate from saliva and it can take saliva up to 3 hours to penetrate through those barriers to reach the plaque fluid.

Most dentists and hygienists have never heard of the term plaque fluid. It was discovered in the late 1980s and there was extensive research done on it by Margolis Moreno and Vogel. Basically, it is the fluid that contacts the tooth with the biofilm attached. This is where you are able to measure all the acid, components of calcium, phosphate, magnesium, and sodium.

Salivary testing can be anecdotal in a way because the second that you stick a strip or make someone think about putting something in their mouth they are going to stimulate the salivary flow. Unless there is an extreme case where the individual can’t generate saliva, you are going to see results that don’t accurately reflect what their saliva may or may not be.

It may take a longer time for the Nano Silver to help or it may take a shorter time. It depends on how long it takes to neutralize which also depends on salivary flow quantity and quality and the biofilm aggressiveness.


Is it safe for children?

It is safe for children, we have done a toxicity profile where we look at actual cells. We’ve also had a toxicologist review the report of the ingredients and it’s all been determined safe for use. So, there are no issues there. You won’t have to go to a hospital if you swallow it.


What is Nano Silver and how does it work?

Nano Silver is pretty cool for a couple of reasons. One of the things that it does is it acts as a trojan horse. The biofilm is a barrier and your saliva is taking a long time to diffuse through that barrier and neutralize the plaque fluid. You need something that challenges that gradient and opens it up. Nano Silver is really good at penetrating biofilms but also opening up channels to allow the saliva to reach its destination much faster.

We did a pilot trial on this and actually found that when compared to a control when you use Nano Silver you increase the amount of calcium that gets to the plaque fluid by a ratio of 4.6 to 1. You get 4.6 times more calcium in a biofilm within minutes by using a Nano Silver compound in addition to calcium. It’s a pretty interesting concept but basically, we are using it to knock the biofilm down.

What is the pH of Nano Silver?

We are propelling a neutralizing agent through the biofilm so the Nano Silver itself is basic and can neutralize acid and interfere with bacterial mechanisms but it’s all about getting neutralizing agents in. I talked about this briefly on a podcast with the Tale of Two Hygienists but basically there are two main clinical trials that were done on biofilms and agents getting to the biofilm and what they found is that when you use standard fluoride rinses or things with calcium only 1 to 2% actually got to the deeper inner part of the biofilm. We are talking about if you had 100 parts per million on the outside, only 2 parts per million make it to the biofilm and plaque fluid. That doesn’t really offer us a lot of benefits. You need something to be able to get it there and Nano Silver is basically a carrier for those neutralizing agents. We know the biofilm is a barrier so how do we challenge that barrier to let more neutralizing agents in.

How long-lasting are the benefits of the mouthwash?

It’s going to vary for every individual. I found that for me, it will last a couple of hours after meals. I recommend that you use it after meals because I think that is when you get the most benefit out of it. The biofilm is going to reattach and regrow. Also depending on your risk profile, if you have low salivary flow or if you have a more aggressive biofilm I recommend that you use it more often. But if you use the rinse you definitely feel the effects of it right after you use it.