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What Does Fluoride Do For Your Teeth?

Image showing Elementa products on a pH scale.

The Pros and Cons of Fluoride: Why We Choose Nanosilver

Imagine a month, a week, or even just a day without any teeth. Now imagine if dentures never existed. You pass by a restaurant and you smell a delicious steak being grilled. You take a seat and order one. As soon as your meal reaches your table, you take a fork and a knife to cut a delectable piece of meat right before sinking your teeth into it.

Whoops. Almost forgot that you don’t have teeth, didn’t you?

That’s how important our teeth are and how sad we’ll be once we’re unable to eat delicious, solid food. Sure, you can get dentures in case you lose a couple of teeth due to cavities, but it’s cheaper to just take good care of your teeth in the first place with a good fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste.


The Cavity’s Greatest Fear

Good oral health is the foundation of a healthy and confident life. Having strong and healthy teeth is essential for eating and speaking comfortably, but how exactly do we achieve that? Our teeth are known for being tough on their own but they need to be taken care of as a thank you for the hard work they do for us. 

Brushing, flossing, and gargling are the most basic requirements for taking care of your teeth, but in order to effectively maintain them, you should be aware of what’s inside the products that you are using. And most, if not all, of the products you will see in the market, as far as teeth are concerned, is fluoride. 

You see it in toothpaste boxes, and you also see it in commercial ads, but what exactly is fluoride, and what does fluoride do for your teeth? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can help protect your teeth against cavities and decay, as well as strengthen and remineralize weakened enamel. However, when you dive into the research, fluoride isn’t exactly the Romeo to the Juliet of cavities – it is more of a Superman to kryptonite relationship. One weakens and gets rid of the other with often and prolonged contact.

Let’s first talk about the benefits of fluoride. The use of fluoride in dental care has been proven to be a highly beneficial practice for many individuals. Fluoride helps to strengthen and protect tooth enamel, making it more resilient to decay. It can also reduce the risk of cavities and tooth decay, even in areas where brushing and flossing are not feasible. Fluoride can also reduce the risk of periodontal disease and help to keep gums healthy. In addition, fluoride can help to reduce the risk of tooth loss due to decay, making it an essential part of any dental care regimen. Its use is highly recommended for both adults and children and can be found in many over-the-counter products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.


The Truth About Fluoride in Toothpaste and Other Oral Hygiene Products

There are numerous ways to get fluoride into your system, and as stated earlier, using products with fluoride in it is the most common way this can be achieved.

While it is true that the majority of dental products contain fluoride, what makes them different from one another is the level of fluoride content depending on what type of product is being used. In fact, even the community water that is provided within your residence is equipped with this tooth decay-fighting agent. While toothpaste and dental floss have fluoride in them, it’s not enough to really make a difference. The fluoride gel and varnish applied by your dentist contains more fluoride and will be more effective in that environment. 

That does not mean that one is better than the other though and that you only need to focus on one method of adding it to your system. The trick to protecting your teeth with a layer of fluoride coating is to constantly apply it. Simply brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash would be enough, but you may want to protect yourself from the inside out by doing that plus visiting your local dentist regularly. With the combination of both, cavities will surely not be an issue for you.

Even though fluoride has been the standard for years in dentistry, it has been linked to a variety of negative effects when consumed in large amounts. Over-consumption of fluoride can lead to symptoms such as gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, lethargy, and even skeletal fluorosis, which is caused by a buildup of fluoride in the bones. Additionally, fluoridation of water has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in some studies, although more research is needed to confirm this. While the benefits of fluoride are undeniable, it is important to monitor fluoride intake to ensure it does not reach a dangerous level. Furthermore, alternative sources of fluoride, such as toothpaste, gels, and mouthwashes, should be considered to reduce the risk of overexposure.


So, Is Fluoride Bad For You?

The short answer is no, but fluoride is not that high and mighty, though. Fluoride may have been a superhero for your teeth, but do not start thinking that it alone will be enough to save you. 

As everyone knows, too much of something is bad for you, and the same goes for fluoride. Sure, it does not happen that much overall, but it is better to be aware that too much fluoride can backfire on you – it can damage your teeth from the inside instead of protecting them, or worse, you may get overdosed and get sickly because of it. 

Worst case scenario, too much fluoride can kill you, but this happens very rarely and is caused by ingesting much more fluoride than you could consume with a regular brushing and fluoride mouthwash rinsing routine.


The Consequences of No Fluoride

Looking at the other side of the coin, no fluoride at all also gets you into bad territory. Not only will you deal with your teeth breaking, or even losing your teeth entirely, but toothaches and gum inflammations will be also your constant enemy – not only is it a threat to your wallet for visiting the dentist and taking medications and unnecessary treatments amounting to ridiculous amounts of cash, but it will also affect your performance either at work or school, which can end up ruining your life, both figuratively, and even literally. 

You heard that right, a broken tooth can kill you. How you may ask? Cavities in your teeth will make you prone to gum infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which can seriously injure your gums. That, of course, is an opportunity for other harmful elements such as bacteria and viruses to invade your system, and eventually, if everything is left unchecked, it will attack you from the inside.


What More Can You Do To Get Your Teeth Going

Please do take note that fluoride works not by attacking any cavity-inducing bacteria that comes to your teeth – fluoride instead serves as a wall of protection to repel the bacteria from coming inside your precious teeth. And like with other protective gear, it can suffer from wear and tear with constant attacks. That’s where your lifestyle comes in. Your job is to make sure that your teeth will not get too much cavity-making bacteria to work on, for it to successfully protect your teeth every day.

To achieve this, you must first know what your greatest risks are with regard to cavities. Aside from minimal to no dental care, both at home and with your dentist, the food you eat can also be a major cause of cavities – and not just the food you eat itself, but also how you consume it. 

Studies have already proven that both poor diet choices and constant eating can and will put your oral health under scrutiny. Always remember to take care of yourself at all times, and your teeth will thank you for it. Because if not, what would even be the purpose of the fluoride shielding your teeth? 


Using a Good Fluoride Mouthwash

Don’t forget that you have to pair the good habit of brushing and flossing your teeth, as well as dental check-ups with rinsing your mouth. A good fluoride mouthwash can be what makes or breaks your oral hygiene regimen. However, not all mouth rinses are made the same. Some mouthwashes use ingredients that can do more harm than good, so make sure you choose a mouthwash that protects your mouth from bacteria using non-toxic non-burning antiseptics. A great example is mouth rinses that use nano silver technology, which is definitely worth giving a try.

Alternatives to Fluoride

With all that being said, there are different courses of action you can take instead of using fluoride. Fluoride alternatives are growing in popularity due to the many health concerns associated with fluoride. Examples of alternatives include xylitol,  calcium, arginine, and nanosilver. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that has been shown to reduce levels of bacteria in the mouth while also providing a sweet taste. Calcium is what our teeth are made of. With Elementa’s fluoride alternative, we found that we were able to penetrate the biofilm more effectively providing higher levels of calcium to the teeth, helping to better the remineralization process. Each of these fluoride alternatives can provide the same benefits as fluoride without the same level of risk, making them appealing to many consumers. In conclusion, fluoride is a beneficial mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential negative side effects it can have, as well as the availability of fluoride alternatives. By educating ourselves on the benefits and risks of fluoride, we can make the best decisions for our oral health and dental hygiene.


So, What Does Fluoride Do For Your Teeth?

As you’ve just learned, fluoride does a lot to and for your teeth! However, too much of anything can become harmful. With the numerous products that there are today on the public market and the scientific studies that have proven the benefits of fluoride with regard to our oral hygiene, fluoride can be a true blessing. On the other hand, plenty of research shows that fluoride might not be our best option. We’re not anti fluoride but we believe in progress. When science shows something revolutionary, we can’t ignore it! At Elementa, we have found the most effective way to take care of our teeth through the use of nanosilver. We found that nanosilver works 3 times more effectively than fluoride without any of the negative side effects! Our products can ensure that you will eat peacefully and it brings out the true beauty of your smile. With nanosilver on our side and with consistent care, your oral health will be A-OK. 

So go out there and smile – your smile should get noticed. Learn more about Elementa’s nanosilver mouthwash, toothpaste, and other oral hygiene products with nanosilver technology today!

The Positives of Using a Natural Mouthwash Over Artificial Mouthwash

A variety of Elementa Nanosilver Antibacterial Mouthwash products

Having good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth, and using mouthwash is one of the best ways to achieve this. When it comes to oral hygiene, there are a variety of options available for consumers to choose from. There are several types of mouthwashes available in the market, using a natural mouthwash has several advantages over using an artificial one. Artificial mouthwash is a popular choice among many, yet natural mouthwash can provide numerous benefits that many people often overlook. From promoting healthy teeth and tooth enamel to freshening breath, natural mouthwash has a multitude of positive attributes that can be beneficial in the long run. Natural mouthwash also contains beneficial ingredients such as herbs, essential oils, and vitamins that can help clean and nourish the teeth and gums. These natural ingredients also don’t contain any harsh chemicals, dyes, or alcohol that can irritate the mouth. Natural mouthwash is also free of preservatives, which can be beneficial for those with sensitivities.  In this blog post, we will examine the benefits of natural mouthwash in comparison to artificial mouthwash, providing readers with an in-depth exploration of why natural mouthwash may be a better option for optimal oral health.

 Benefits of natural ingredients

The use of natural ingredients in personal care products has a variety of benefits for consumers. It is important to understand the differences between natural and commercial mouthwashes, as natural mouthwashes lack many of the harsh chemicals found in commercial washes. Natural mouthwashes are also a great way to maintain a balanced pH in your mouth, which can help to reduce the risk of gum disease and other oral health problems. Natural mouthwash is derived from natural sources, such as herbs and essential oils, which can help to reduce bad breath, prevent cavities, and fight harmful bacteria. Furthermore, natural ingredients often provide superior performance to synthetic ingredients, and can be used to create products with a wide range of beneficial properties. Natural ingredients can also be more sustainably sourced, as they are often derived from plants and other renewable sources.  Natural ingredients are generally safer and more environmentally friendly than synthetic ingredients, reducing the risk of skin irritation, sensitization, and long-term health effects. Natural ingredients also tend to be more biodegradable than their chemical counterparts, making them less likely to pollute waterways and marine habitats. Overall, the use of natural ingredients in personal care products provides a variety of benefits for both consumers and the environment.

 The Ingredient Alcohol is bad in Conventional Mouthwash 

Killing bad breath germs is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. Bacteria can build up in the mouth and cause bad breath and other oral health issues. Taking these steps will help to keep your breath fresh and your mouth healthy. To reduce the risk of bad breath, it is important to brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and use mouthwash to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. In addition, you should avoid sugary drinks and snacks, which can promote bacterial growth in the mouth. Regular visits to the dentist will also help to identify any potential dental problems and stop bad breath before it starts. The use of alcohol as a mouthwash is not recommended. Alcohol is a harsh chemical that can dry out the natural protective qualities of the saliva, leading to increased risk of infection and causing dry mouth. Furthermore, it can also irritate the soft tissues of the mouth, leading to discomfort and pain. Long-term use of alcohol-containing conventional mouthwash is especially discouraged as it can make the teeth more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. For these reasons, alcohol-free mouthwashes are the recommended option for optimal oral hygiene.

 Kid Friendly Mouthwash

 Natural mouthwash is an excellent choice for children. Kid friendly mouthwash is an important part of children’s dental hygiene. Not only is it safe and non-toxic, but it is also effective at eliminating bad breath, reducing plaque and tartar buildup, and providing a fresher, cleaner feeling in the mouth. It is important to choose a mouthwash specifically designed for children in order to ensure that their delicate teeth and gums are properly protected. Studies have shown that natural mouthwash has a minimal risk of irritation compared with other types of mouthwash, making it the ideal solution for children. Natural mouthwash also contains ingredients such as aloe, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil, which help to reduce inflammation and promote oral health. Natural mouthwash is an effective way to keep children’s mouths healthy and free of bacteria, without having to worry about the risk of harm to their delicate mouths. Kid friendly mouthwash should have a low alcohol content and be free of artificial colors and flavors. Additionally, it should be fluoride-free, safe for use in a rinse and have a pleasant taste. By choosing a kid friendly mouthwash, parents can ensure that their children are getting the best possible oral care and protection.


Benefits of natural ingredients, Why alcohol is bad in mouthwash, and Kid friendly mouthwash

Natural mouthwash is a great way to protect your mouth from germs and bad breath. When it comes to choosing the right mouthwash, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Natural ingredients are generally better for your overall oral health, while alcohol-based mouthwashes can be harsh and irritating. Natural mouthwash is effective at killing bad breath germs, and does not contain any harsh chemicals. Kids should not use alcohol-based mouthwashes, and there are many kid-friendly options that are gentle and effective. Natural mouthwash is an excellent choice to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Ultimately, it is important to do your research and choose a mouthwash that is both safe and effective.

Nano Silver Vs Colloidal Silver: What’s The Difference?

Image of layers of tooth enamel.

Silver has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial agent to kill bacteria and other microorganisms such as fungi and algae. Silver is not toxic to humans, which makes it safe to be included into health solutions. Today modern science has found ways to use silver for oral care in the form of nano silver and colloidal silver. Since silver has antibacterial properties, it can be used as a more effective and plant-based alternative to fluoride. You may have heard of colloidal silver solutions before, but what’s the difference between nano and colloidal silver products? And which is better for oral care?


When comparing nano silver vs colloidal silver, one of the most important things to understand is what biocompatibility is. Biocompatibility means that it is safe to use and will respond appropriately in certain conditions. Since oral care products impact our mouth microbiome, it is necessary to use products that work with our native bacteria. Biocompatibility depends on two things: the size of the particle and what is used as a capping agent. First off, colloidal silver nanoparticles are made without a capping agent. This means that they fall apart easily. Second, colloidal silver nanoparticles are inconsistent in particle size. On the other hand, silver nanoparticles are capped with plant extract. This makes them more stable and non–toxic to human tissue. 

In addition, with advancements in technology, nanoparticles found in nano silver are more consistent in size than particles found in colloidal silver. Having consistent nanoparticle sizes is crucial for biocompatibility, which colloidal silver lacks. This is one of the major benefits of nano silver, as a more consistent particle size means more consistent results.


Unlike nano silver, colloidal silver does not have the ability to stay stable in various conditions. This is because colloidal silver is made by using the physical electric model by running a current through silver wires. This results in a division of silver particles without a consistent particle size and silver ions that are without capping agents and unstable outside of water. Silver nanoparticles are stable because their plant-based capping agent keeps them from decomposing. And, they respond favorably to various environments such as salts and biomolecules. This makes a nano silver solution much more effective than a colloidal silver solution with unstable silver ions and inconsistent particle sizes. When it comes to oral care, it’s crucial to choose a product that has antibacterial properties from particles that are chemically stable. 

Reaction to Biofilm

Biofilm is the layer of bacteria that builds up over the surface of your teeth, commonly referred to as plaque. A buildup of biofilm can create oral issues because it eats away at the enamel, causing decay. How colloidal silver and nano silver solutions react to biofilm plays a crucial role in how effective they can be at penetrating the outer coating of the oral biofilm. Colloidal silver cannot be used with other beneficial agents and has a weak effect on the biofilm. Therefore, it does not do a sufficient job of protecting enamel and balancing the oral biofilm by reducing acid. Because of the benefits of Nano Silver, it can be used at much lower concentrations and can latch onto and penetrate biofilms with ease. At the nano level, silver particles can destroy bacteria in high rations, while colloidal silver can only remove bad bacteria in low ratios. Silver nanoparticles can be used with other agents which makes it an ideal candidate for oral care solutions.  Nano silver solutions also release silver ions directly inside the biofilm and target acid, which is beyond the capabilities of more traditional colloidal silver solutions. Nano Silver balances the acid in the mouth, which can prevent decay that leads to cavities and other oral health issues. 


The Nano Silver Solution

When comparing nano silver vs colloidal silver for oral care, it is clear to see that a nano silver solution is the best option for oral care and far outweighs a colloidal silver solution. Nano particles are much more uniform, allowing for consistent and safe results. Nano silver has been proven in studies to be more effective than colloidal silver at killing bacteria, the main cause for oral decay. Nano silver is also faster-acting and requires lower concentrations than colloidal silver to achieve the same results. So if you’re looking for an oral care product that will give you the best possible protection against bacteria while staying natural, our line of nano silver products is the way to go. We have a special line of nano silver oral care solutions that use our own patented technology to provide the most unique nano silver for optimal oral health.

How Nano Silver Antibacterial Mouthwash Helps Your Oral Care

A variety of Nanosilver antibacterial mouthwash.

Good oral hygiene is essential for overall health and a critical part of that is making sure your mouth is free of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. However, typical mouthwash can be full of alcohol and chemicals that leave your mouth feeling dry and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there is a better option – nano silver antibacterial mouthwash. This mouthwash not only provides you with the cleansing and antibacterial properties you need for good oral health, but it does so without the harsh ingredients of more traditional varieties. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of nano silver antibacterial mouthwash and how it can help improve your oral health. We’ll also help you understand why it’s a superior choice over regular mouthwash and the best way to incorporate it into your oral hygiene routine.


Zero Harmful Ingredients

Nano silver is a powerful antimicrobial agent that contains zero harmful ingredients. It is made of nanoparticles of silver, which are suspended in a liquid form. This allows for the silver to penetrate deep into the surface of the material, providing a long-lasting antimicrobial effect. Nano silver has been used in medical and industrial applications for decades, due to its efficacy and safety. It is extensively used in water filters, air purifiers, medical bandages, and wound dressings. It’s also used in food processing and storage, as it can inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Additionally, Nano silver has been shown to be an effective treatment for skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Nano silver is a safe, natural, and effective alternative to harsh chemical treatments. 

Immediately Neutralizes Oral Acid And Kills Bacteria

Nano silver is a revolutionary technology with the potential to revolutionize oral health care. It has been shown to immediately neutralize oral acid and kill bacteria, making it an incredibly effective tool for reducing disease and improving overall oral hygiene. Nano silver works by releasing silver ions, which have antimicrobial properties and are able to quickly break down the acid and bacterial cells. This technology has been used successfully in a variety of clinical settings, as well as in at-home oral care products. Nano silver has been proven to be safe, effective, and affordable, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their oral health and reduce their risk of disease.

Remineralizes Your Teeth Twice As Fast As Fluoride

Elementa’s nano silver line of products is an innovative way to remineralize your teeth twice as fast as fluoride. The silver ions in the product help to reduce plaque and tooth decay, while providing antibacterial protection. The products also help to strengthen enamel and remineralize your teeth in just two weeks. Clinical studies have shown that Nano silver is effective in reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth and preventing tooth decay. Additionally, it helps to reduce sensitivity, allowing for a more comfortable experience when brushing. Nano silver is an effective solution for remineralizing your teeth, and it offers a safe and quick way to restore your smile.

Invest In Premium Quality Oral Care

Healthy oral care routines are critical to maintaining a healthy mouth. However, consistent practices are far more productive and worthwhile when paired with the right products. Premium quality oral care products are specially formulated to effectively remove plaque and bacteria, reduce cavities, gum disease, and mouth sores, and help freshen breath. They also provide added benefits such as whitening, sensitivity relief, and protection against enamel erosion. By investing in premium quality oral care, consumers can be confident they are getting the highest level of protection against oral health problems.Nano silver provides a safe, natural, and effective way to keep your teeth healthy. Unlike a typical mouthwash which contains harmful ingredients, Nano silver has zero harmful ingredients, and is able to neutralize oral acid and kill bacteria immediately. Additionally, its remineralization process is twice as fast as fluoride, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a fast and effective way to keep their teeth in good shape.

Elementa’s Nano Silver Technology

Elementa Silver is a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of silver-based products. Unlike traditional silver products, Elementa’s nano silver mouth rinse utilizes nanotechnology to create particles of silver that are incredibly tiny, but still incredibly powerful. This technology allows Elementa’s nano silver to penetrate deeply into materials, providing unparalleled protection against bacteria, caries, and other contaminants. Additionally, nano silver is non-toxic and non-leaching, making it a perfect choice for households and industries alike. Elementa’s nano silver mouthwash provides a safer, more effective, and more cost-effective solution to traditional silver-based products.

Elementa’s nano silver mouthwash is the perfect addition to any oral hygiene routine. It effectively neutralizes oral acid, kills bad bacteria, tackles bad breath, and protects gums. For optimal oral health, Elementa actually offers a routine of products that utilize their nano silver technology. Their Tooth Gel is a fluoride-free toothpaste alternative. It’s ideal for sensitive teeth, protects sensitive enamel, effectively cleans teeth, and soothes a dry mouth without harsh ingredients.

Dispelling Myths on How to Get Rid of Cavities

A tooth with a variety of dental tools around it. Keep the cavities away.

Cavities are a common dental problem, but rumors and misinformation circulate and often lead to unhealthy oral care practices. In fact, many common myths can do more harm than good, leading to further tooth decay and the need for more extensive treatments. Uncovering the myths and misleading “facts” surrounding cavity prevention and care empowers people to start making informed decisions about their dental health. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t, giving you the tools to maintain healthy teeth and gums. 

“Sugar is always the culprit.”

For many people, the most familiar words of advice in preventing cavities is to cut back on consuming soda, candy, and other sweets packed with sugar. Sugar does not cause cavities – rather, acid generated by bacteria in the mouth erodes the enamel and causes dental caries. Excess sugar consumption can promote the growth of bacteria, leading to an increase in acidity and damage to the enamel, but sugar itself can not directly create a cavity. 

 While sugar is a significant trigger, it’s actually far from the only contributor to cavities. Foods and beverages high in carbohydrates like breads, crackers, pasta, etc. all contribute to cavities, yet are often overlooked when discussing prevention strategies. 

“Snacking more helps prevent cavities.”

This is an example of misleading information that originates from fact. Saliva plays a big role in preventing cavities. It neutralizes acids in the mouth to help protect tooth enamel from acidic residue. If tooth enamel has already been damaged, saliva can repair the tooth’s protective surface through a process called remineralization. A dry mouth and lack of saliva production makes your teeth more susceptible to cavities. Because chewing stimulates the production of saliva, the mistaken idea that eating several snacks throughout the day can protect your teeth was formed. 

 The choice of foods you eat is far more impactful than how often you eat. While additional saliva production can benefit oral health, the benefits do not outweigh the bacterial activity from eating starchy and sugary foods. The best practices to prevent cavities are eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and rinsing with a cavity-fighting mouthwash.  

“You can reverse cavities” 

The truth of this statement depends on the stage of the cavity. There is no magic formula to reverse a cavity. Home remedies and step-by-step tutorials only lead to frustration, and may do more harm than good. The only true way to get rid of a cavity is through proper dental care with the help of a dentist. 

There are a few cavity treatment methods- the most common being a dental filling. In this method, the dentist removes the decayed tissue and fills the space with a material to prevent further damage, reduce pain and tooth sensitivity, and avoid infection. When there is extensive decay or a weakened tooth, a dentist can also implement dental crowns. A crown is custom-fit to cover the tooth’s entire natural crown and the decayed area that has been drilled down. If decay reaches the inner material of the tooth, a dentist may choose a root canal. A root canal is a treatment to repair a badly damaged or infected tooth as a last resort before extraction.

Professional cavity treatment is critical for long-lasting oral hygiene. A study by the American Dental Association found based on a weighted sample representative of 193.5 million U.S. adults that 21.3% of cavities go untreated. An untreated cavity can lead to tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, and infection, at the very least. Eventually, untreated cavities can lead to abscess under the gums, and even tooth loss. 

Finding Answers 

To make decisions regarding cavity prevention and treatment, it’s important to understand what a dental cavity actually is. Cavities are areas in the hard surface of surface of your teeth that have been permanently damaged and develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities tend to grow and deepen and it’s important to get treatment in order to stop the decay progression. As the decay gets larger, some may experience symptoms including toothache, tooth sensitivity, mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet or with extreme temperatures, visible holes or pits in the tooth, staining on any surface of the tooth, and pain when biting down. 

The most effective defense and offense against tooth decay is prevention. Once decay has progressed through the enamel into the softer, inner part of the tooth, it can not be reversed. Consistent practice of good oral hygiene is most productive when used with quality products backed by science. 

Nano silver is a new technology revolutionizing the world of oral care. Elementa’s Nano Silver Mouth Rinse, Kids Mouth Rinse, and Tooth Gel improve oral hygiene, prevent cavities and gum disease, and are overall more effective at penetrating the biofilm than alcohol. This line of Nano Silver products utilize plant-based nanotechnology to immediately neutralize all oral acid in the mouth, while killing acid-causing bacteria 46,000 times better than alcohol-based competitors. It’s also a suitable fluoride treatment replacement as it remineralizes teeth twice as fast, kills bad-breath causing bacteria, whitens teeth, and provides dry mouth relief. 

Why A Healthy Mouth Is Neutralized

Maintaining a neutral pH in the mouth is an important part of oral health. When the mouth is too acidic, it can lead to dental caries, gingivitis, and a host of other oral health issues. Saliva helps to neutralize the pH of the mouth, but it can be overwhelmed by certain foods and drinks, such as those containing sugar or citric acid. A neutral pH level helps to prevent these problems and keeps the mouth healthy. Neutralizing the mouth can be accomplished by brushing and flossing regularly to remove food particles and bacteria, as well as drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper oral hygiene habits can help to prevent acid buildup and maintain a healthy balance.

Dental plaque is a sticky film of germs and bacteria that constantly coats your teeth and prevents remineralizing ingredients, like calcium, from being absorbed and the process of neutralization. Elementa’s plant based Nano Silver is antibacterial, non-burning, and non-toxic. The technology allows it to actually open holes in the plaque to neutralize oral acid and deliver essential nutrients directly to the healthy tooth’s surface.  

Final Words

In conclusion, cavities are caused by acidic bacteria in the mouth, not sugar itself. To prevent cavities, it is important to maintain a neutral pH in the mouth by brushing your teeth twice a day and using a fluoride-based mouthwash. Additionally, limit sugary snacks and drinks and maintain a healthy diet for overall oral health. With these simple steps, you can keep your teeth healthy and avoid cavities.