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Why You Should Choose Nano Silver Mouthrinse

Finding a mouthwash that has it all with clean ingredients, low acidic levels, and a quality taste is like being sent on a wild goose chase: a waste of time and nearly impossible. Nothing seems to cover all three. But don’t give up hope just yet. Nano Silver Mouthrinse checks all the boxes and promises you’ll never have to go on a wild goose chase for mouthwash again.

Nano Silver Mouthrinse ranks higher than neutral on the acidic scale making it the perfect contender for fighting and neutralizing your oral acid. This helps to protect your tooth enamel and contribute to an overall healthy oral biofilm.

This mouthwash only has five ingredients: nanosilver, calcium, xylitol, water, and plant extract. Each of these ingredients has a specific purpose for making this mouthwash the safest product to put in your mouth. Find here Radford Doors & Gates serving San Diego. See something missing from the ingredient list? That’s right, there is no fluoride and no alcohol meaning that it does not burn when you use it. That’s a double bonus in my book.

Now all of this would mean nothing if the taste was horrible. Luckily, that is not the case. Nano Silver Mouthrinse comes in three different and completely natural flavors. These flavors promise to leave your mouth and breath feeling fresh. Try a bottle of it today and move out of the dark days of poor oral hygiene and useless mouthwashes.  

3 Steps to Choosing the Best Mouthwash for You

Too much of a good thing is bad and that includes too many options. When there are 50 things in front of you, your head is going to spin, and you’ll end up making no decision at all. Trust me, I’ve been there before.

Here are 3 short and easy steps to make choosing the best mouthwash a quick and painless decision.

1. Ingredients.

You want a mouthwash that is fluoride-free and alcohol-free. Alcohol-based mouthwashes cause a burning sensation in your mouth that can be so uncomfortable it is nearly impossible to keep it in your mouth for the prescribed time. In addition, alcohol is a drying agent that can damage your saliva production. Mouthwash is supposed to help not hurt your oral health. Find those trigger words and steer clear.

2. Acidic Level.

This one is hard to test in the store, but it’s important to know that your mouthwash should be higher than the neutral level of 7. Fighting oral acid with an acidic mouthwash simply makes no sense. Aim for higher than neutral. Check out this graphic for help or order free acidic strips so you can test the mouthwash you currently have at home!

3. Taste.

If you don’t like the taste of it, there is no way you’ll want to use it every day. Simple as that. When looking for flavors find something that appeals to your personal preferences but also uses natural flavors. After carefully looking over ingredients you don’t want to blow it all for good taste. Find something that checks off both boxes.

Now that you have your list of requirements check out the oral hygiene aisle at your store and find one that fits it all! Good luck and may the best mouthwash win!

Brushing Your Teeth Isn’t Enough

Everyone knows the golden rule of oral hygiene: brush your teeth. It’s been drilled into our heads since the very beginning. From chew with your mouth closed and share with others, brush your teeth is simply a fact of life. And whether it’s done with a fancy electronic toothbrush or the one your dentist gives you after every visit, no one doubts the power of a good cleaning multiple times a day. And for most of us, our efforts towards our oral hygiene stop right there. After the occasional flossing of course. Isn’t that enough? Unfortunately, it’s not.


Despite your best efforts, simply brushing your teeth only goes so far. Even after your diligently standard 2-minute brushing, bacteria that cause tooth decay lingers between the teeth untouched because the toothbrush bristles can’t reach it. Why do you still get cavities even though you brush your teeth? And why does your dentist keep telling you there is always room for improvement (hello more flossing)?


I propose an addendum to the golden rule that doesn’t require excessive flossing. Enter mouthwash. The best sidekick to daily healthy brushing. Mouthwash removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line. Because of its liquid form mouthwash can reach all the places that your toothbrush will never be able to reach. In addition, it can reach all the areas you would never even think about brushing. When was the last time you brushed the roof of your mouth or your inner cheeks? Probably never. Mouthwash removes bad bacteria from every part of your mouth after you’ve done your best brushing. Just call it the closer of oral health. Find your closer and start shopping for mouth rinse today. And maybe, just maybe, your dentist will be speechless the next time you visit.


Read more about Elementa Silver’s Adult Mouthwash with Nano Silver technology.

Foods That Cause Dry Mouth

Different types of foods that cause dry mouth laid out on a table]

Sometimes it feels like the health problems we face are out of our control. Sometimes that is true, but in regards to dry mouth, you have more say in the matter than you might realize. If you aren’t living under a rock you should know that everything in regards to your health always comes back to the food that you eat. Food has a huge influence on our mental and physical health and it is the same for dry mouth. In fact, many people experience dry mouth after eating and the food you eat can play a role in the severity of your condition. It can become better or worse just based on your diet. With that in mind, there are some foods to avoid if you have dry mouth because they aggravate the symptoms and can make your condition worse.

First Thing’s First: Keep Your Mouth Moist

When it comes to helping with dry mouth the answer is clear and simple: keep your mouth moist. That’s right, keep the saliva coming through drinking lots of water, sucking on sugarfree candies, and basically anything to keep those salivary glands working. Increasing water intake and improving the function of your salivary glands is one of the most effective ways to help eliminate dry mouth or at least mitigate the symptoms. 

However, having an endless amount of sugar free candy or other foods that help dry mouth on hand might seem tedious, so here are some great tips for navigating foods that cause dry mouth.

What Foods to Avoid

There are many different kinds of foods that cause dry mouth. If you experience dry mouth after eating, try avoiding foods that are dry and salty because they dry out your mouth quickly and make you work twice as hard to return to a balance afterward. For example, consider eliminating bread, dry meat, pastries, toast, crackers, etc. Thinking of giving up any of those things longterm might seem impossible. But don’t throw in the towel just yet. Instead look for alternatives by eating a soft, high protein moist diet and to compensate for those missed foods that make dry mouth worse. For example, eating bread after it has been dipped in sauce adds a moistening agent that makes the bread less dry and easier on your mouth. There is always a way to make things work, and eating foods that help dry mouth can make a world of difference.

Another kind of food that causes dry mouth is highly acidic food. You should try to avoid citric foods and juices because high acidic levels can be difficult for your mouth to handle. It’s important to keep a balanced oral environment. Instead, eat yogurt and fresh fruit. Again, be creative. Fresh fruit doesn’t mean an apple every single day for the rest of your life. That seems daunting and a little dramatic. So instead, what about a fruit slushie, smoothie, or even a fruit shake. Already there are three different possibilities that can be widely interpreted. That seems doable.

While eating foods that help dry mouth might help to reduce your symptoms, it may not be the solution for you. Click here to read more about the causes and prevention of dry mouth.

Dry Mouth Prevention

While the best way to prevent dry mouth is to avoid the certain foods that are known to cause the condition, there are also products that can help prevent dry mouth as well. Our Nano silver products will not only help you improve your overall dental hygiene but are useful in helping you prevent dry mouth.

How to Treat Sensitive Teeth in under $20

There is nothing people love more than a cheap fix. I mean is there anything better? Unfortunately majority of the time cheap fixes are terribly ineffective and just a waste of time. But not today. Sometimes inexpensive and effective is a match made in heaven AND just as successful as dropping some time and money at the doctors or dentists office. Cheap fixes can be just the gift you need when dealing with sensitive teeth. So Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday because we’ve got a gift for you.

Salt Water Rinse

Oftentimes this is seen as a treatment for a sore throat but it can also help with sensitive teeth. All you need is some salt and a glass of water and you are set to go. Salt is effective in this treatment because it is an antiseptic and can reduce inflammation. Just add salt to some lukewarm water, gargle the solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Doing this twice a day will help with sensitive teeth.

Honey and Water

Another water mixture that is worth trying is honey and water. Honey works magic because it is an antibacterial agent. Rinsing your mouth with warm water and a good dose of honey will help begin to heal your mouth and reduce the pain that comes along with sensitive teeth.

Green Tea

Green tea has many health benefits so we weren’t surprised to see that it made the quick fix sensitive teeth list. Using unsweetened green tea as a mouthwash two times a day can help strengthen your teeth and reduce inflammation. I’ll drink to that.

Vanilla extract

I was a little surprised by this one but vanilla extract is known to have antiseptic and pain-relieving properties. This one is not mixed with water like the suggestions above but is applied with a cotton ball or q-tip. Once the vanilla extract has been applied to a cotton ball rub it against your gums for a few minutes.

8 Foods You Didn’t Know Cause Bad Breath

Foods You Didn’t Know Cause Bad Breath – Sometimes it feels like people struggle to agree on absolutely anything but there is one thing no one can deny. Nobody likes bad breath. Here are the eight unsuspecting foods to avoid when you’re looking to impress someone at the work Christmas party or out with friends.


Milk and Cheese

Although milk and cheese are healthy food items that build strong bones and provide good calcium and protein for the body, they are not your friend when it comes to having fresh smelling breath. This is because bacteria breaks down the amino acids found in dairy and releases smelly compounds when you exhale.

Coffee and Alcohol

Coffee causes bad breath because it makes your mouth dry. When your mouth isn’t producing saliva it tends to give off more of a smell. Likewise, alcohol makes your mouth dry which allows for bacteria to exist without being washed away by saliva.

Tuna and Fish

It may not come as a surprise for most people that tuna and fish made the list but do you understand why tuna and fish make your breath smell? How the fish or tuna is stored actually intensifies the foul smell that we are all too familiar with. When fish, especially tuna is stored in dark metallic cans it speeds up oxidation making the smell even worse.

Onions and Garlic

No surprise there from Green Leaf Business Solutions. Both contain sulfuric compounds that get absorbed into your bloodstream and return to make your breath smell bad. In fact, garlic can actually emit that smell from your pores.

Now don’t sweat it just yet. You don’t have to stop eating all of your favorite things. Just remember that if you’re stuck without a toothbrush handy, try drinking some water or chewing some sugar free gum to help alleviate bad breath.

What Injuries Are Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

Most people wouldn’t think that their job could leave them with a debilitating injury, yet it happens every day across the United States. Workers’ compensation is meant to provide financial aid for those who have been injured on the job and incurred related medical costs due to illness or injury. Read on to make sure you understand both your rights as an employee and your responsibilities towards seeking proper coverage if something goes wrong at work.

Workers’ Compensation and what it covers

Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. This insurance typically covers medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. The primary goal of Workers’ Compensation is to provide injured employees with the necessary financial assistance to heal and eventually return to work. However, benefits may also be extended to families of workers who have died due to work-related accidents or illnesses. The coverage of Workers’ Compensation varies by state, and employers are typically required to purchase this insurance for their employees. It helps protect employees from financial ruin due to work-related injuries while providing employers with peace of mind knowing their employees are taken care of.

Types of injuries covered by workers’ compensation

In general, workers’ compensation is designed to cover injuries that occur as a result of work-related activities, such as accidents on construction sites, repetitive motion injuries from factory work, or illnesses caused by exposure to harmful materials. This can include everything from broken bones and cuts to more serious conditions like back injuries and respiratory problems. However, it’s important to note that not all types of injuries are covered under every policy, and the specific terms and coverage amounts can vary depending on the state and employer.

a. Work-related injuries such as slips, falls, and cuts

The safety of workers is of utmost importance in any workplace, but work-related injuries such as slips, falls, and cuts can sometimes be unavoidable. In the event of an injury, it is crucial to address it immediately and provide the proper medical attention. By prioritizing worker safety, employers not only protect their employees but also create a more productive and efficient work environment.

b. Repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome

Repetitive motion injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, can be a real concern for anyone spending hours typing away at a keyboard. This condition can be debilitating and cause severe pain and discomfort in the hands and wrists, making it difficult to perform even the simplest of tasks.

How to file a successful workers’ compensation claim

The process can seem overwhelming, and mistakes could leave you without the benefits you deserve. To ensure a successful claim, it is important to understand the steps and requirements of your state’s workers’ compensation system. This includes reporting the injury to your employer as soon as possible, seeking medical attention, and filling out the necessary paperwork accurately and completely. You may also want to enlist the help of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney at who can guide you through the process and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries

What to do if you are denied a claim

Receiving news that your claim has been denied can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. However, it’s essential to keep a level head and take action immediately. First, carefully review the denial letter to understand the reason behind the decision. If it seems unclear, don’t hesitate to contact your insurance company for further clarification. Once you’ve identified the issue, you can choose to appeal the decision. Gather any relevant documentation that may support your claim, and include it with your appeal. Receiving a claim denial can be discouraging, but remember that it’s not the end of the road.

Tips for avoiding work-related injuries in the future

In the world of work, it’s important to prioritize your safety. This means taking steps to avoid work-related injuries. To begin with, it’s a great idea to invest in the proper equipment and tools needed for your job. This could be something as simple as purchasing appropriate footwear for your industry, or investing in ergonomic office furniture to avoid back pain. It’s also important to practice good posture and pay attention to the way you move while working. Avoiding repetitive motions and taking breaks to stretch can go a long way in preventing injuries. Finally, make sure to follow all safety protocols outlined by your employer, and speak up if you notice any unsafe practices.
Workers’ Compensation is an important part of the job market that seeks to ensure that employees are cared for if they experience a work-related injury or illness. All in all, workers’ compensation is an invaluable part of employment that should not be overlooked or underestimated.