Dentists recommend that we brush our teeth three times a day to ensure that no cavities form nor should any stinky breath come out of our mouth. While brushing your teeth with a fancy toothbrush helps remove tiny particles of food, no amount of thin or angled bristles can fully penetrate through plaque and cavities. Brushing your teeth is just the first step to the long journey of keeping your mouth clean and healthy.
Even people who religiously brush their teeth three times a day still get cavities and tooth decay. There must be something wrong with plain old tooth brushing, after all, considering that 92% of the daily American suffers from tooth problems despite brushing their teeth every day.
While fluoride helps clean your teeth at a surface level, you might want to consider that bacteria love to hide in the nooks and crannies of your mouth. Whether it’s in between your teeth, the sides of your tongue or inside the hard plaque buildup behind your tooth, these bacteria aren’t going to disappear overnight just from brushing your teeth alone.
How to Deal with Bad Breath Effectively
Oral bacteria cause halitosis, your worst nightmare if you have to interact with a lot of people. So if you really want to do away with that nightmarish bad breath, you’re going to need more than just a plain toothbrush. You need the power of mouthwash or a mouth rinse!
Studies show that brushing alone only has the power to get rid of about 25% of bacteria, sugar, and acids. And even if you brush your tongue again and again, there would still be germs on it. Gargling with a mouth rinse helps take care of the remaining problems that cause plaque, cavities and tooth decay.
But not all mouthwashes are made equal. Some cause more problems than others. The majority of mouthwash brands contain alcohol, which causes that painful, burning sensation against your inner cheeks and gums. It’s also not helpful for recovering alcoholics as it can trigger a relapse.
While the alcohol acts as an antiseptic ingredient that’s supposed to kill off bacteria, it also removes the good bacteria in your mouth which helps support and control the neutral acidity in your saliva. That’s the acid in our saliva that breaks down the food we eat so our body can absorb its nutrients. Having no acid in your saliva can lead to bad breath and dry mouth while having too much acid can cause plaque and cavities.
Yikes! Neither are good for you, so what kind of mouthwash should you get?
The Best Type of Mouthwash on the Market
Can you imagine a product that helps clean your mouth without killing off the good bacteria that need to get their job done? With the help of nano silver technology, you can finally experience an anti-bacterial mouthwash that’s tough on germs while being gentle on your mouth tissues without any alcohol content.
Nano silver technology works by boring tiny holes against the plaque buildup in your teeth. Once it’s able to penetrate through the layer of germs, it helps strengthen your enamel and provides the calcium protection your teeth need all while removing the plaque that’s in the way.